Tuesday, September 7, 2010

one crazy night

"the most unfit dragon"
you smile and give me a hug
you seem pleased to see me
but your eyes are dead inside
your heart is empty
you no longer feel.
you stay calm
speak peace
while i scream and rage
and fight.
or do i?
i want to see the light in your soul
feel the passion in your touch
was it ever there
or am i chasing a young girls
love me.
drown in me.
i need to know you feel
i need to know you taste
and see
or is it not you?
maybe i am the one
whose heart is walled off
guarded by
the most unfit dragon.
i cry but no tears fall
how can that be?
i pound and scrape and kick
this door that separates
but just who holds the key?
i feel a weight in my pocket
but im too scared to try,
to find out


"the past is ever present"
i walk this night road alone.
the lights fade
as i smile into the darkness.
i know, my old friend, that you are near.


shards of glass cut my feet
each step leaves behind a
bloody footprint
the past
is a sure sign of whats to come

warning: i was in a very loopy mood

oh woe is me i've lost my keys
will someone help me find them please?
i need those keys to start my car
without them i will not get far
they're not on my desk or in my purse
losing stuff is just the worst
my things lie scattered on the floor
i really must get out the door
late again im doomed to be
why must this always happen to me?

... whenever i try to write a rhyming poem it always turns out to funny or not serious at all .. idk why but hey its fun :)

wasted april 27,2010 10:44 pm

so much wasted time
waiting for this life to change
for the path ahead to level out
to straighten out
shake yourself awake
open your eyes and start walking
its your life
you make it happen
or you don't
it's your life
start living it

April 2,2010

its that feeling when you're out of touch
about to jump
when you've lost control
shut the door
don't look back
pick up the pieces
and start again
blank face
blank stare
it was better when you didn't care

Saturday, September 4, 2010

new stuff from 9/2/10

'no fear'
you whisper in my ear
so close i can feel your heartbeat
you take my hand
i hold on tight
i smell coffee on your breath and drink it in
this moment is for us
'no fear'


you walk by and i
duck my head
forever in your shadow
your smile is my sun


without you
i am stronger
without you
i am in control
without you
i am better off...
but without you
i am lonely


the wind whips around me
standing on the edge
i breathe
and my feet lift from the ground
over the trees i fly
without fear
i wonder, how would it feel?
to never again have my feet firmly
on the ground


a blood-red sky
and tears
that fall like lies from her hands
trees with their bent and broken arms
taunt her.
she stares into the reflective moon
what have i done?


feet on the dashboard
i listen
as life passes me by
windows open and cigarettes lit
the light turns red.
the world holds its breath
around us.
pedal to the metal
and we are
off again


like a knife
in my throat
i cant breathe
my hands shake
i welcome the end
but im scared of what
i will see
to leave this world of pain
and all that i know